Quotes from fantasy books that make me feel powerful

One of the best parts about reading books is the phrases and quotes they contain. These words hold so much power—they make you stop and think. The more you reflect, the wiser you become.

The sayings that inspire you or evoke emotions stay with you long after. For instance, I may have forgotten the plot of a book I read last March, but I still remember that particular passage at the end, the one that resonated with me and helped me through difficult times.

So, I’ve compiled some of my favorite quotes from fantasy books that make me feel powerful. I hope they offer you some strength too.

  1. You’ve been attacked,  violated, tormented,  left on the streets to starve.  The odds you ace are impossible.  If you continue down this path, you’ll die. Why won’t you just give up?” She stared.  Was that a  thing people did—just gave up?  When there was so much in the world to love,  to fight for?  “I  cannot,”  she said fiercely.  “I never will.”

Book – Sorcery of thorns

From one of my favorite books, this one hits hard every time. How often we tend to give up on our goals when faced with constant hurdles? Even though there’s so much in the world worth fighting for, we sometimes forget what truly matters. Your goals and dreams are valuable enough. Don’t just give up.

2. This world, it breathes you in, sniffs, it knows you, and then it breathes you out again, shares you. You’re not contained here in this single place alone. The wind, time, it circles, repeats, teaches, reveals, some swaths cutting deeper than others. The universe knows. The universe has a long memory.

Book series – The Remnant Chronicles

This quote feels like a gentle caress on your face. Take a deep breath and read this one under an open sky, with the wind blowing over your face, it feels meditative.

3. That was something  else  I’d  thought  about  as  I  stood  on  the  Rise overnight after  preparing  myself  for  the  inevitable.  I  thought  about  my future.  Who  I  used  to  be,  who  I  was becoming,  and  who  I  wanted to  be. And  it  was  strange  how  revelations  felt  like  they  happened  all  of  a  sudden, but  in  reality,  it  took  many  small,  almost  indiscernible  moments  over  the course  of  weeks,  months,  and  years.  Bottom  line,  I  knew  I  didn’t  want  to  be someone who hid anymore, whether behind a veil, to others, or to myself.

Book series- From blood and Ash

The moment you decide to face your fears and insecurities, instead of hiding behind them, and work on them, you discover a new version of yourself. It feels like freedom. This passage is all about that.

4. She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.

Book- Heir of fire

Some self-confidence boost for bothersome days.

5. Heroes  aren’t always  the  ones  who  win.  They’re  the  ones  who  lose,  sometimes.  But  they  keep fighting,  they  keep  coming  back.  They don’t give  up. That’s  what makes them heroes.

Book series – The Dark Artifices

Failures don’t define your potential, but what you learn from them and what you do afterward does. That’s what makes heroes.
Be your own hero and keep going!

6. We  are  all  the  pieces  of  what  we  remember.  We  hold  in  ourselves the  hopes  and  fears  of  those  who  love  us.  As  long  as  there  is  love  and memory,  there  is  no  true  loss.

Book- The Infernal Devices

The comfort and warmth of these words will you strength.

7. Better terrible truths than kind lies.

Book- Six of Crows

Nothing hurts more than sugar-coated lies. It’s better to be careful of that.

8. Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea.

Book series – The Grisha Trilogy

It’s your hard work and dedication that turns it good.

9. For  these  were  not  ordinary  books  the  libraries  kept. They  were  knowledge,  given  life.  Wisdom,  given  voice.  They  sang  when starlight  streamed  through  the  library’s  windows.  They  felt  pain  and suffered  heartbreak.  Sometimes  they  were  sinister,  grotesque—but  so  was the  world  outside.  And  that  made  the  world  no  less  worth  fighting  for, because wherever there was darkness, there was also so much light. This  was  Elisabeth’s  purpose.  Not  to  become  a  warden  in  the  hopes  of proving  herself  to  people  who  would  never  understand.  She  wasn’t  a wielder  of  chains;  she  was  a  breaker  of  them.  She  was  the  library’s  will made flesh.

Book- Sorcery of thorns

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. There is always a way. Go break rules or make your own, just follow your heart and learn.

10. Every  choice  has  a  long  afterlife  of  consequences.  No one  can  know  the  eventual  outcome  of  any  decision.  All  you  can  do  is make the best choice you can make in the moment.”

Book series – The Dark Artifices

Go make those decisions, and get to your goals. If you fail then you can learn from your mistakes and go ahead with an experience!

Which one of these quotes do you like? Do you like quotes from Fantasy Books?

Let me know in the comment section below!

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