7 Ways to feel calm when you’re overwhelmed with emotions

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We all have those days when everything feels like too much. You’re so overwhelmed with emotions that you don’t feel like doing anything. Sometimes it’s the circumstances, and other times, it’s just one of those random emotional days..

And you know what?

That’s alright! Feeling these emotions from time to time is all part of being human. At times, these emotional outbursts are a necessary reminder for us to confront our repressed feelings.
But tending to them can sometimes take a toll on our mental health and it becomes difficult to find a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

That’s why I’ve listed 7 ways to feel calm when you’re overwhelmed with emotions.

Journal all your thoughts!

Journaling down your thoughts can be very effective in feeling calm.

Write all that shit down!
Sometimes writing down what’s bothering you can help you in feeling a lot lighter. It is just like talking to someone but instead of a person, you’re getting it out all on a page. You don’t have to be professional or organized while doing that just vent your feelings and troubling thoughts. It is a healthy way of dealing with your emotions. You will feel a lot clearer and calm about the situation after writing it down.

Cry it all out

There are times when crying and feeling it all can help release all the pent-up tension. After your crying session, you will feel a lot of clarity and will be less upset over the given situation.

Let me tell you one thing, don’t you ever be ashamed of crying!

especially when you can look this cute crying.

Crying is a normal human response to feeling intense emotions. So, it’s all right to cry when things seem a bit difficult and your emotions are high.

Just breathe/Take a walk

Take a walk

At times when you’re overwhelmed, it can feel suffocating. When that happens, try to spare a few minutes to take a walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. Take deep breaths to calm your nerves. This is a very effective way to feel calm immediately. It always works for me, and I hope it works for you too!

Listen to Music

Music is a blessing. It really has a way of touching our hearts and making us feel calm. This is my go-to way to feel calm instantly. Listening to music can help slow down your thoughts and think with clarity. I literally have a calming songs playlist!
Make one or I’ll share mine! It works so well.

Talk to someone you trust

Talk to someone

Talking to someone who is a good listener and trustworthy about your state of mind can be incredibly helpful. Sometimes, you just need to share your feelings and gain a different perspective on your situation, which the other person can provide. Talking to your friends, family, or partner can make a big difference!

Take a nap and rest

A good power nap can dissolve a lot of tension in your mind and body, and helps you in feeling recharged.

You know the golden words,

Never say no to a nap;)

Don’t be hesitant to ask for help

Balancing the weight of all your responsibilities and emotions on your shoulders alone can be overwhelming. Trust me, share the load, especially when it’s not yours to carry alone! Don’t be ashamed of asking for help, we all need some assistance at times and that’s perfectly fine:)

Next time you feel an emotional storm coming, try using any of these methods to feel calm and clear your mind to deal with your thoughts.

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